Elementary Programs

Elementary Academics at Bethlehem Central

Well-known throughout the Capital Region for its exemplary and innovative educational programs, BC is dedicated to preparing students to meet the demands of a Regents diploma, and much more, on their way to successful careers and rewarding lives. That journey begins in our elementary schools, which are focused on nurturing students’ academic and personal development.

In order for our schools to be safe places and to operate efficiently, it is important that everyone understand our schools’ rules and expectations. This page contains important information to serve as a resource for both parents and students in Bethlehem Central’s elementary schools. We encourage you to review this page to become familiar with school and district policies that are necessary for the safety, welfare and well-being of our students and staff, and school procedures that will facilitate your communication and interaction with your child’s school. Please contact us if you have any questions or would like clarification of information contained here.

Academics | Communication | Technology | Food Services | Student Support Services | Student Transportation | School Safety | District Policies and Procedures 


We believe that children are individuals and progress through structured curriculum sequences at different rates. Therefore, you will hear us refer to differentiation of instruction and continuous progress. Differentiation refers to the process of placing a child with small groups of children who have similar strengths and/or weaknesses in a particular subject area. It could also mean that the teacher is working with a child in a one-to-one relationship. Continuous progress, on the other hand, refers to the child’s placement in a curriculum sequence. In other words, it could mean that a third-grade child is working in a fourth-grade math sequence or perhaps a second-grade math sequence. So, even though we use the term “grade” to indicate age-level placement, instructional levels may vary.

Assessment & Standardized Testing

The district is required to administer assessments that are part of the New York State Testing Program for students in grades 3, 4 and 5. In addition, we administer additional local assessments. Together, these assessments help to monitor and communicate the progress of students and inform our instructional decisions.

Classroom Placements

Work begins in late spring to start preparing the class lists for the following school year. The students are placed so that all the classes will be as evenly balanced as possible. Consideration is given to both academic achievement and the social development of the children. While we welcome parents’ sharing of important information about their child’s learning style, we ask that no specific teacher requests be made. It would be difficult to honor all such requests and, in some cases, would negate what we feel is best for the child. Assigning children to a classroom group is a very deliberate, carefully thought-out process collaboratively created by the staff and the principal. Our goal is to create well-balanced classes with an academic range of abilities and social behaviors; the best balance of boys and girls possible and the best match-up of teaching style and student learning style. We consider factors such as reading and math skills, work behavior and attitudes, personal behavior and attitudes and the specific needs of the individual. The class lists are finalized in August. By this time, our records are as close as we can get to what our enrollments will be in September. Notices of room and teacher assignments are posted to Aspen during the third week of August. Children who register after school starts are generally placed in classes with the lowest enrollments.


Students should be provided with extensive independent practice opportunities.  Independent practice allows students to apply information in new ways. In doing so, students synthesize information, transform ideas, and solidify their understanding. Sometimes these independent opportunities can be fully embedded within the school day.  However, sometimes these opportunities occur outside of the classroom (i.e. homework) and the assignment of homework is necessary.  Teachers have the freedom and flexibility to determine the form independent practice takes based upon the changing needs and interests of the individual learners in their classroom.

Research provides strong evidence that, when used appropriately, homework benefits student achievement.  Appropriate homework is both intentional and efficient. It creates a lot of value at a low cost in time. It’s never busy work.  Further, when appropriate (as opposed to routinely assigned), the teacher designs homework to deepen students’ knowledge of informational content or practice a skill, strategy, or process.  It is the policy of our school district to assign meaningful homework. When properly guided, homework serves to reinforce and extend formal instruction. Homework may also stimulate curiosity that may lead students to explore new areas and dimensions independently.

It is generally agreed that children devote increasingly more time to homework as they get older. A general rule of thumb that is easy to remember is the expectation that children do 10 minutes* of homework for each grade level.  Thus, first graders would be expected to do about 10 minutes of homework, second graders 20 minutes, third graders 30 minutes, and so on.

* Reading is not included in this time expectation.  Reading independently 20-30 minutes each day is a separate expectation.


i-Ready is an online program for reading and mathematics that helps teachers determine student needs, personalize their learning, and monitor progress throughout the school year.

i-Ready allows teachers to meet students exactly where they are and provides data to increase your student learning gains. i-Ready consists of two parts: Diagnostic and Personalized Instruction.

The i-Ready Diagnostic is an adaptive assessment that adjusts its questions to suit student needs. Each item a student sees is individualized based on their answer to the previous question. For example, a series of correct answers will result in slightly harder questions, while a series of incorrect answers will yield slightly easier questions.

i-Ready Personalized Instruction provides students with lessons based on their individual skill level and needs, so each student can learn at a pace that is just right for them. These lessons are fun and interactive to keep students engaged as they learn.

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

As defined by New York State, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support are supplemental services provided to those students who perform below the academic (reading and mathematics) and/or social-emotional/behavioral benchmarks established at their grade level. Parents are notified when a student is identified to receive support services. Supplementary instruction and support is conducted individually or in small groups of children of approximately the same age and grade placement. Support can be provided by the classroom teacher or by a designated specialist such as a reading teacher or school counselor. These programs supplement but do not replace the child’s regular classroom program.

Preparation for Middle School

The Middle School motto is: “There are no strangers here; only friends we have not met.” In April, all grade 5 parents receive a letter of information about grade 6 programs from the Middle School principal. Middle School guidance counselors visit grade 5 classrooms in the spring to describe the Middle School to the students. The guidance counselors also meet separately with the grade 5 teachers to discuss any special needs and qualifications individual students may have that would affect their team assignments the following year. The Middle School principal also holds informational meetings for parents.

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Communicating with parents about their child’s individual progress as well as important news and information about the school and district—is accomplished in a number of ways, including:

  • Parent or teacher-initiated contacts at any time during the year
  • Open house each fall
  • Aspen student information portal (see description below)
  • American Education Week (November)
  • Frequent updates on our school’s individual website, including a calendar of upcoming events
  • Occasional notes and letters from teachers
  • Work children bring home
  • PTA/O meetings and programs
  • District website
  • Highlights (district newsletter) and other district publications
  • School Messenger (school news e-mail system and emergency notifications)

There are many decisions made daily in the classrooms. If you have a concern about a teacher’s decision, it is best to make direct contact with the teacher for clarification before involving the principal. If you still have a question or concern after speaking with the classroom teacher, please contact the principal.


A parent-teacher conference is a two-way exchange of information about a child. Parents play an important role in their child’s education. Parents are encouraged to attend to discuss with the teacher the child’s interests, attitude, progress and concerns at home and/or school. Half days for students in grades K-5 are set aside for conferences. These dates are published in the district calendar and on the district website. Scheduled conferences are held for all children in grades K-5 in the fall. This is a minimum. Additional conferences should be held as needed. Teachers may also schedule conferences before and after school, if necessary. If you are unable to keep an appointment, please notify the teacher promptly. An explanation of the reporting system accompanies the posting of report cards on Aspen. Any time you have a question or concern, please call the school.

ASPEN (Student Information System)

The district believes strongly that one of the major factors driving student success is a strong partnership between home and school. The Aspen system is a web-based tool designed to strengthen communication between teachers, parents and students. The system offers parents and students online access to a secure site with personalized information about a student’s academic program and progress. Elementary student report cards and attendance information are also posted to Aspen. In addition, parents are encouraged to find out if their children’s teachers are using the system to distribute any other class materials, assignments, schedules, etc., and use the system as necessary and appropriate. If you do not have an Aspen account, please contact the main office of your child’s school to request information about beginning the account registration process.

Open House

Each fall, we have an evening Open House for parents. The date appears on the district calendar mailed home in August, and on the calendar on our district website. The purposes of the Open House are:

  • to give parents and teachers the opportunity to interact;
  • to give teachers the opportunity to present an overview of the year’s program and share thoughts about standards; and
  • to give parents the opportunity to ask questions and become actively involved in the school.

Report Cards

The elementary schools have two reporting periods for students in grades K-5. These reports will cover progress in reading and math. Report cards aligned to the New York State Learning Standards are issued twice a year, corresponding to the marking periods, in January and June, and will be posted to Aspen, the district’s student information system. In addition, students in grade 3 receive a special subject report card in June, while grades 4 through 5 receive them twice a year for instrumental & general music, art, physical education, library and AIS math or reading (if applicable). Parents will also receive three i-Ready (Fall, Winter, Spring) reports throughout the year.

Read our Elementary School Report Card Guide to help you fully understand the information communicated on your child’s report card.

This information is also available through Aspen.

Student Directory Information

Consistent with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), student directory information (defined as name, grade, school, town of residence, photograph, participation in activities and/or sports, and any honors or awards received) may be released for publicity purposes to the media or other organizations. The purpose of doing this is to enable student activities and accomplishments to be publicized and for the creation of such publications as the annual yearbook, programs for graduations, concerts and other special events, sports activity sheets and honor roll or recognition lists. Achievements are typically publicized on the school website and through school district social media, press releases to the local media and official district publications. Directory information can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent’s prior written consent. Outside organizations include, but are not limited to, companies that manufacture class rings or publish yearbooks.

Parents/guardians who object to the release of their child’s directory information should notify in writing both the superintendent of schools and their child’s building principal within 14 days of the start of each school year. While the district will honor the request of any parent who has submitted written notification opting their child out of the release of directory information, the district is not responsible for media that cover news happenings, sporting events, or other school events that are open to the public, such as plays and musical performances.

Website & ParentSquare

The best source for current news and information is the district’s official website. The district uses ParentSquare for all broadcast communications. ParentSquare is a system that allows district and school leaders to communicate quickly via email, phone and text messages. 

Families are automatically connected to ParentSquare. Messages sent by the district will reach parents/guardians by email, text or automated phone calls. Email is the primary mode of communication used by the district. Text messaging is used for more time-sensitive communication and automated calls are only used for emergency notifications.

One of the great features of ParentSquare is that families can customize how and when they receive routine information from the district by creating an account in ParentSquare. You can also review and update your contact information in ParentSquare. There is also a mobile app that allows families to receive information at their fingertips.

 To be sure your primary contact information is up-to-date (including cell phone), please review your information in the Aspen Parent Portal. Changes to your primary contact information should be emailed to District Registrar Melissa Haas at mhaas@bethlehemschools.org.

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Technology/Power of One

Students in grades 2-5 will have access to their very own Chromebook located in a cart within their classroom.

Chromebooks have been a part of Bethlehem Central’s elementary school experience for the last few years. We use this technology daily in our classrooms to enrich student learning. In 2017-18, the district introduced the Power of One Chromebook program so that every student in grades 2-12 will have 1:1 access to a Chromebook.

What is a Chromebook?

Simply put, a Chromebook is a laptop that runs Google’s Chrome web browser only. With other computers, you run various applications from a desktop—including a web browser like Chrome, Safari, Firefox or Explorer. With a Chromebook, your computer is a web browser, and that is where you run your apps. Applications and files are stored online in the “cloud” and not on the Chromebook itself.

With even greater access to Chromebooks, students in grades 3-5 will continue to:

  • Collaborate with each other using the Google Suite of applications including Google Docs, Google Slides, and Google Classroom;
  • Take virtual field trips using Google Expeditions;
  • Use apps such as Seesaw, Raz-kids, and XtraMath to empower students to independently document  and control their learning with creative tools;
  • Practice skills they are learning in the classroom on a variety of age and grade appropriate websites.

Please note: For our students K-1, each elementary school will have access to an additional Chromebook cart which contains approximately 25 touchscreen Chromebooks. All K-1 classrooms will also be outfitted with iPads for use in small group settings.

What does Bethlehem do to protect students who are online?

The district uses web filtering designed specifically for the K-12 environment. There are also district and user reports the Technology Department can use to monitor overall activity and ensure appropriate use, or to drill into specific issues.

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Food Services

School lunch is available to all students on a daily basis. Monthly menus are available on the district website by following the “lunch menus” link on the school’s homepage. Meal prices are determined during the summer and announced at the opening of school. Parents of children who purchase lunch on a regular basis are encouraged to pre-pay for meals through either the NutriKids online system.

Please visit the Food Services webpage for more information on meal prices, NutriKids and Free & Reduced Lunch.

Lunches From Home

Please label your child’s lunch box or bag with a first and last name and current teacher’s name. Lunches are often left on buses, street corners or in corridors without proper identification. If your child leaves a lunch or lunch money at home, please have it brought to school before the child’s regularly scheduled lunch period, if possible. Please try to double-check your child’s lunch money before he/she leaves for school. If you pre-pay for meals, the NutriKids system allows you to check their balance online anytime (see our Food Services page for more information.) The elementary meal “charge” policy allows students who forget their lunch money or who do not have any on their account to charge a regular meal. More information about this policy is included in the back-to-school information packets that are sent home at the start of the year.

Health Services (School Nurse’s Offices)

School health services in BCSD are provided by professional registered nurses. Our school nurses have a multi-faceted role within the school setting, one that supports the physical, mental, emotional, and social health of students and their success in the learning process. Our nurses provide a variety of school health services, functions and programs. These services are based upon current evidence, best practices, and professional school nursing standards.

Visit our Health Services webpage for information on emergency contact information, medications, physical exam requirements, immunization requirements, injury/illness dismissals and more.

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Student Support Services

The Office of Student Support Services provides a wide range of services for students in the district including support services in general education and special education services.

Visit our Student Support Services webpage for more detailed information on the services offered at Bethlehem Central.

Elementary School Counselors

Elementary school counselors facilitate classroom lessons that focus on:

  • making and maintaining friendships;
  • demonstrating empathy towards others;
  • identifying, verbalizing and managing emotions constructively;
  • problem solving; and
  • identifying and effectively responding to threatening/bullying behaviors.

In addition, elementary school counselors provide individual and group counseling for students.

Child Study Team

Each school’s Child Study Team, led by the school principal, meets to discuss and make recommendations for students who require additional supports. Team members can include the principal, teacher, social worker, nurse, psychologist, behavior specialist and others as appropriate.

School Social Workers

Social workers provide individual and group counseling and case management services and make recommendations for students’ behavior management plans.

Committee on Special Education

Besides these services, referrals can be made to the Committee on Special Education if a student is suspected of having a disability. The committee arranges for an evaluation of the student’s abilities and needs. Based on the evaluation results, the committee decides if the student is eligible to receive special education services and programs. Parents are members of this committee. 

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Student Transportation

The district provides transportation to and from school for all elementary students. Information on bus routes and pick-up times for each student are available in late August each year. The route numbers are posted in the windows of the buses. (Numbers painted on the buses are not the route numbers.) A child may be assigned one route number for pickup and another route number for return. Please note that during inclement weather your child’s bus may be delayed. Children are only allowed to ride their designated bus. It generally takes about two weeks each fall to make adjustments in the routes for a smooth operation. If your child will walk or bicycle to or from school, please send a note indicating your permission for him/her to do so. Additional information about walking or riding bicycles to school will be sent home. For safety reasons, we ask that all students ride the bus in inclement weather.

Visit our Transportation Department’s webpage for more detailed information on student transportation.

Bus Drills

A minimum of three bus drills are held each year. The first drill is conducted during the first week of the fall term. The drill includes instructions in the use of windows as a means of escape in case of fire or accident.

Bus Requests

We are not allowed to have standees on buses. Most students now ride our buses, making them at (or very close to) capacity. Since this is the case, we have very little leeway in allowing children to ride buses other than their own. We would ask that:

  • You not request this service unless really necessary.
  • You realize we may have to reject your request.

We will not honor, under any circumstances, requests for groups of children attending events such as birthday parties, scouts, and religion classes. We will continue to accommodate, when possible, these single requests. Parental requests for all transportation changes must be in writing, in a separate note for each day affected by the short-term change. If the child is on the same bus but getting off at a different stop, a note is still required. Written permission slips in all of these instances should be given to your child’s teacher. The office staff will then write a bus slip for the bus driver on whose bus the child will be riding. Students are not allowed to make arrangements over the phone during the day except in cases of extreme emergency!

Lost Articles

Articles left on the bus are normally kept on the bus so that students can reclaim them the next day. If not claimed, articles are returned to the bus garage. Students should label their clothes and other possessions. Articles not claimed within five working days are donated to local churches or charity organizations.

Medications on the Bus

Medications (including Tylenol and other over-the-counter medicines and cold remedies) may not be transported on school buses. If a child needs medication, the parent should deliver it directly to the nurse’s office at their child’s school. Exceptions to this policy are handled on a case-by-case basis [e.g., carrying Epi-Pens and/or sweet packs] and must first be approved by a school nurse.


Children may ride their bicycles to school with your permission. Please make certain that your child is provided with a lock in order to secure the bicycle to the rack. Students’ bicycles are not covered by school insurance. For safety reasons, we will not allow children to ride their bikes home in inclement weather. Skateboards, roller blades and scooters may not be ridden on school property at ANY time.

Transporting Items to School

All items brought to school should be packed in a carrying case (e.g., a tote bag or backpack), which must be small enough to be held on the student’s lap. Students riding on a school bus may not transport food for class parties. More details on items allowed or not allowed on the bus are available on our Transportation Department’s webpage.

Transporting Service Animals

Several state and federal laws govern the accommodation of service animals (e.g., guide dogs or companion dogs/animals) and require that such animals be allowed access everywhere. The school district is obligated to allow these animals on school buses. If this situation ever occurs, the best place for the animal while on the bus is between the student and the wall of the bus where practical. Common sense must prevail with respect to the safety of all students and the animal in question. Accommodations must be made for students who may be allergic to animal dander.

Transportation to Day Care

Day care and summer school location information must be resubmitted to the transportation department each and every year to ensure your child’s transportation needs are met.


New York State law strictly forbids any person from boarding a school bus without the express consent of the bus driver. This includes parents. If any time a student tells a bus driver that his or her safety is being threatened by another student(s) or by another person, the driver will immediately notify his or her supervisor(s) and ask the supervisor(s) to immediately meet the bus and help diffuse the situation and to follow up with a bus referral. School principal(s) will be notified immediately about any incident that threatens the safety of students or the bus driver.

Bus & Pedestrian Safety

Children are to follow rules of safety outlined by the district. Children who have a continuous problem on practicing safety rules on the bus might need to find an alternate way of getting to and from school. Our safety protocol details are available on our Transportation Department’s webpage – please review the posted proper crossing procedures with your children periodically throughout the school year. At the start of each school year, it is helpful to review bus safety tips, rules and procedures with all students and drivers in your family and encourage everyone to follow them. Some of them-such as stopping when encountering a school bus with flashing red lights (whether you are on the road or in a school parking lot) and obeying school zone speed limits-are state laws. They were established for the safety of everyone on the roads, especially our children.

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School Safety

School Safety Plan & Safety Drills

There is a specific plan in place in each school to ensure the safety of staff and students. Throughout the year, there are drills so that all individuals in the school are comfortable with emergency procedures in various situations. Proper information and direction will be given to all involved before, during and after any drill or emergency. Due to the seriousness of these drills, students must listen to and follow all directions.

Visitors to School

Our visitor policies are designed to ensure the safety of all students and staff and minimize disruption to the instructional program. The doors to all elementary schools are locked during the school day. Visitors will push a call button at the main entrance to alert the office to their presence at the door. Main office staff will ask visitors to identify themselves, and then will “buzz” them into the building. Once inside, visitors will report to the main office, sign in, and take a visitor’s badge. Upon leaving the building, please return to the office to sign out and return the badge.

Change in Student Dismissal Procedure

Bus riders who wish to walk home or get off at a different stop must have written permission from their parents [see Student Transportation above]. Also, children who are to go to any destination within their school boundary zone other than their own homes are to bring in an explanatory note, signed by a parent. Permission slips are also required if a child is to be picked up by someone other than a parent.

After School Hours/Playground Use & Supervision

Once school is dismissed, all students should proceed directly home or to the alternate destination indicated by their parents. Students, of course, may stay after dismissal for scheduled activities (intramurals, choir, play practice, extra help etc.) Parents may return to the school playground with their children or give them permission to return to play. Parents should understand that there is NO school supervision before or after school at the playground area. If too many students attempt to use the playground after school, or use it improperly, those students without adult supervision will be asked to leave.

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District Policies & Procedures

Access to Student Records

Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), parents and students who are over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) have the right to inspect and review the student’s educational records. Such a request must be sent in writing to Chief Business and Financial Officer (contact information is available on our Business Office webpage.) Arrangements will be made to provide access to such records within 45 days after the request has been received. Parents also have the right to request the amendment of the student’s education records believed to be inaccurate or misleading by writing to the Assistant Superintendent for Business, identifying the record and specifying what they believe is inaccurate and why. And they have the right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information in a student’s education record, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. It is the district’s policy to disclose personally identifiable information from student records, without consent, to school district officials with legitimate educational interests (i.e., to fulfill professional responsibilities) and, upon request, to another school district or institution in which a student seeks enrollment. School officials include administrators, supervisors, instructors and support staff employed by the district; Board of Education members; a person or company (e.g., attorney, auditor or therapist) with whom the district has contracted to perform a special task; or a parent or student serving on an official committee or assisting another school official in performing duties. Parents who believe the district has not complied with FERPA requirements may file a complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC, 20202-4605.

Attendance Policy

View the District’s policy on Attendance, Policy 5100.

Planning a Vacation

We believe that children learn best in the classroom along with their peers. The school calendar allows many opportunities for families to arrange trips and activities so that the normal school periods need not be missed.

Custody Issues

If there is an issue with the custody of your child, please be sure that current, updated custody papers are on file with the district registrar and in the school office.

Release of Student Directory Information

Student directory information (defined as name, grade, school, town of residence, photograph, participation in activities and/or sports, and any honors or awards received) may be released for publicity purposes to the media or other organizations and/or used in school district publications or on the official district website. Parents/guardians who object to the release of their child’s directory information should notify in writing both the superintendent of schools and their child’s building principal within 14 days of the start of each school year.

Emergency Contact Information

The school should have on record the following information for each child:

  • Parents’ phone numbers, for both home and places of employment
  • The name and phone number of a person to be called in an emergency if the parents cannot be reached
  • The name and phone number of the family physician

Should the child become injured or ill at school, the nurse will first call the parent. If no response can be obtained, the emergency designee or the family physician will then be called as conditions warrant. If any of your emergency information changes during the year, please notify the office as soon as possible.

Emergency School Closings

Occasionally, it is necessary for schools to be closed or delay opening because of inclement weather, facilities failure or other emergency. School cancellations, delays or early dismissals will be posted on the district website, on local television and radio stations, and sent out through the district’s mass notification system called School Messenger as soon as the decision is made. During the school day, should conditions require an early dismissal of students, please check our website and/or listen for television or radio reports. At the beginning of the school year, parents will be asked to give the school written instructions as to where your child should be sent in the case of an early dismissal. Your child should know where to go (neighbor, relative etc.) if he/she returns home early and finds no one home or a locked door. Please make a plan with your child in the event there is an early dismissal.

Idle-Free School Zones

BC has taken an important step to provide a safe and healthy environment for our students, staff and community by adopting a no-idling policy for school buses and private vehicles on school grounds-essentially, making our schools “idle-free zones.” The policy itself reinforces existing New York State idling restrictions, but it is our hope that by making this moral commitment, we can encourage all staff, parents and community members to observe the idle-free zones. [

Integrated Pest Management

New York State Education Law requires the district to provide written notification to all persons in parental relation, faculty and staff regarding the potential use of pesticides periodically throughout the school year. The district is required to maintain a list of persons in parental relation, faculty and staff who wish to receive 48-hour prior written notification of certain pesticide applications. The following pesticide applications are not subject to prior notification requirements:

  • A school remains unoccupied for a continuous 72 hours following an application;
  • Anti-microbial products;
  • Nonvolatile rodenticides or insecticidal baits in tamper resistant bait stations, silica gels and other nonvolatile ready-to-use pastes, foams or gels in areas inaccessible to children;
  • Boric acid and disodium octaborate tetrahydrate;
  • The application of EPA designated biopesticides or exempt materials under 40CFR152.25;
  • The use of aerosol products with a directed spray in containers of 18 fluid ounces or less when used to protect individuals from an imminent threat from stinging/biting insects including venomous spiders, bees, wasps and hornets.

Staff Qualifications

Parents may request information about the professional qualifications of their child’s classroom teachers including whether the teacher has State certification for the classes being taught; the teacher’s bachelor’s degree major and any other certifications or degrees by field or discipline; and whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications. Requests for the above information may be directed in writing to the Assistant Superintendent for Educational Programs & Instruction.

Student Privacy

Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRARA), parents have the right to inspect and opt their child out of any student survey that reveals information about personal attitudes, behaviors or beliefs. Parents also have the right to receive notice of and opt their child out of any activities that involve the collection, disclosure or use of a student’s personal information for marketing purposes and out of any non-emergency, invasive physical exam or screening, except for hearing, vision and scoliosis screenings or as permitted or required by state law. [

Student Teachers

The district frequently works with local colleges to place student teachers with tenured teachers in our schools. We feel we are professionally assisting “new” colleagues, and we heartily welcome the extra heads, hands and enthusiasm.


During the year, students may be provided one or more textbooks. Students are responsible for all books issued to them, including library books. To protect the covers of textbooks, students should keep the books covered throughout the year. In the event a book is damaged or lost, the student will be required to pay a fee based on the condition and replacement cost of the book.

Toys, Radios & Other Electronic Devices

We ask that your child’s toys remain at home except for show-and-tell activities in the primary grades.


Families moving out of the district or to another BC elementary school should notify the district registrar as soon as possible. The school secretary and your child’s teacher should be notified as well. Notifying us in advance helps to ensure the proper gathering and summation of information for your child’s new school. A copy of test data and other information maintained by the school will be mailed to the child’s new school upon request from the parent or the new school.

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