
Academics at Bethlehem Central High School

After the foundations of learning have been established at the elementary and middle school levels, the Bethlehem Central Board of Education, instructional staff and administration look to motivate students to engage in high-interest and challenging courses of study. Students work closely with school counselors at the high school, especially during our course selection process. Course selection for an academic year usually begins the January before the school year begins. During the course selection process, students are asked to assess future options, their academic strengths and weaknesses and their personal academic preferences and goals. Students will need to plan to complete the courses they select and New York State Regents examinations that are required to earn a high school diploma.

Get more information about the academic programs at Bethlehem Central High School here.

Academics at Bethlehem Central Middle School

A middle-level curriculum at Bethlehem Central includes academic content that extends beyond the knowledge presented at the elementary level and connects to that which follows at the high school. It adds a critical building block to a student’s academic foundation and helps students find personal meaning and excitement in their learning. In general, the core curriculum in grades 6, 7 and 8 stresses the continued development of student skill in reading, listening, discussing, writing and studying, with special emphasis on problem-solving and higher-level thinking skills.

Get more information about the academic programs at Bethlehem Central Middle School here.

Elementary Academics at Bethlehem Central

Bethlehem Central believes that children are individuals and progress through structured curriculum sequences at different rates. To help students build a solid foundation for learning, the faculty at Bethlehem will use differentiation of instruction and continuous progress. Differentiation refers to the process of placing a child with small groups of children who have similar strengths and/or weaknesses in a particular subject area. It could also mean that the teacher is working with a child in a one-to-one relationship. Continuous programs, on the other hand, refers to the child’s placement in a curriculum sequence. In other words, it could mean that a third-grade child is working in a fourth-grade math sequence or perhaps a second-grade math sequence. Even though we use the term “grade” to indicate age-level placement, instructional levels may vary because children learn at different rates.

For more information on academic programs at our elementary schools, please click here.