Bethlehem Opportunities Unlimited

About Bethlehem Opportunities Unlimited

Bethlehem Opportunities Unlimited (BOU) was organized in 1983 by a group of community members, school leaders and parents to find ways to address the problem of underage use of alcohol and other drugs. Our name came in response to the teen complaint of having “nothing to do.”  In fact, organizers believed our youth can have unlimited alternative opportunities – especially if nudged by caring adults.

Over time, BOU evolved into a not-for-profit organization which provides programs and initiatives that promote the well-being of the youth in the Bethlehem Community. Our ongoing purpose is to encourage young people in the Bethlehem Community to realize their full potential.

To help meet these goals, BOU awards grants for a wide variety of initiatives targeting students, parents, younger children and the community. BOU also collaborates with other organizations such as Student Senate and Bethlehem Parks and Recreation to promote healthy youth development.

To learn more about BOU or join our Board, please contact the BOU Board (

Donations can be made by check payable to “BOU” and mailed to BOU, PO Box 492, Delmar NY 12054. BOU is a 501(c) (3) organization. Find out more about how you can support BOU by clicking here [PDF].

Upcoming Events

Grants & Activities

Anyone can apply for grant funding. Most applications are developed by parent organizations, collaborations of District staff, or community groups. Grant application forms can be obtained by clicking below. Submit completed grant applications to Applications are reviewed by the BOU Board for consistency with goals, cost-effectiveness, and available alternative funding.

Below are some of the grants which have been awarded:

  • Ping pong table and treadmill at the high school
  • Disc golf equipment at the middle school
  • BCMS supplies for the costume Ball, SADD event and wellness day
  • BCHS Girls’ Night Out
  • Virtual Learning Academy 5th grade shirts
  • 5th Grade “Survivor” Day at Town Park
  • Bethlehem Senior Celebration
  • Parks & Recreation events
  • Girl Scout letterboxing supplies