Video Link: BCSD Superintendent Jody Monroe and Bethlehem Police Department provide threat investigation update

This afternoon, Superintendent Jody Monroe hosted a press conference with Bethlehem Police Chief Gina Cocchiara to give an update on the ongoing investigation into the recent threats. Superintendent Monroe also shared how the district is preparing classrooms in case a hybrid approach becomes necessary. To learn more about the investigation and district plans moving forward, WATCH …

Sept. 13-15 All BCSD buildings and grounds closed

All BCSD buildings and grounds are closed and will remain closed throughout the weekend, Sept. 13-15. All weekend activities planned at any of the district’s buildings or grounds are canceled, including the Delmar Farmers Market. Activities scheduled off-campus (away games) will go on as planned.

Two more phone threats received by Bethlehem police

Two more anonymous phone calls threatening gun violence at Bethlehem Central High School have been received by the Bethlehem Police Department this evening. Two calls were received, at 8:01 p.m. and at 8:03 p.m. One call threatened the high school with gun violence tomorrow (Friday); the other threatened the football team tomorrow (Friday, specifically at …

An important message from Superintendent Jody Monroe, Sept. 12

An important message for BCSD families and staff members from Superintendent Jody Monroe… Dear BC Community, I understand that many of you are feeling unsettled and concerned following the recent threats made against our school district. These incidents, including the threat made during after-school activities yesterday, which led to a lockdown and a large-scale reunification of students, …

Third phone threat being investigated tonight, Sept. 11

An anonymous phone call to police threatening gun violence tomorrow (Thursday) at both the Bethlehem Central Middle School and Bethlehem Central High School was received tonight, Wednesday, Sept. 11, by the Bethlehem Police Department. This is the third call in 24 hours. The phone call is similar to two others received earlier today and last …

An important evening update from Superintendent Jody Monroe, Sept. 11

An important message for BCSD families and staff members from Superintendent Jody Monroe, 7:55 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 11… Dear BC community member: As you may be aware, a lockdown was initiated at approximately 4:30 p.m. today at Bethlehem Central High School in response to a second phone threat of violence at BCHS. The lockdown was …

UPDATE: Lockdown lifted at 6:17p

6:17 UPDATE The Bethlehem Police Department has issued an “all clear” at BCHS and at Eagle Elementary School. The lockdown has been lifted.  6:02 p.m. UPDATE All students and staff are safe. The reunification of student-athletes with parents/guardians is close to being completed. The police department will do a final sweep of BCHS followed by …

An important message from Superintendent Jody Monroe

An important message for BCSD families and staff members from Superintendent Jody Monroe… Dear BC community member: I am writing with an update regarding the phone threat received by the Bethlehem Police Department at approximately 8:40 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 10. The threat was directed at the high school, with the caller saying they were …

Alert: Security increased at high school, districtwide following anonymous threat

There will be increased police presence at the high school, middle school and across the district today, Wednesday, Sept. 11. The increased police presence follows an anonymous phone threat received by the Bethlehem Police Department last night, Sept. 10. In the phone call, an individual threatened to “shoot up Bethlehem High School.” The caller did …