BC celebrates Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month

The month of May marks the celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, when we honor the contributions of the AAPI community to American history, culture, and achievements. Students and staff from Bethlehem Central High School are helping to educate their school community all month by sharing a multi-media website and promoting discussions that are intended to strengthen the BC school climate.

The month of May was chosen to honor the arrival of the first Japanese immigrant to the United States on May 7, 1843, as well as the anniversary of the completion of the transcontinental railroad on May 10, 1869 by Chinese workers. 

You can join the BCHS celebration by visiting the BCHS Asian Pacific American Heritage Month website where you can find “facts of the day,” interesting AAPI discussions and a Spotify playlist! You can also find suggested books, videos and much more.

Learn more about AAPI Heritage Month from BCHS student Arthur Huang: