Mr. Scott’s Spanish class recites Pledge on TV

How do you bring a civics lesson into your World Language classroom? That’s easy. Teach your students how to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, in Spanish. That’s what Spanish teacher Tony Scott did with his sixth-grade students. They did such a great job they were featured on WTEN on Wednesday, Mar. 9. 

Here they are:


Yo prometo lealtad (I pledge allegiance)

a la bandera (to the flag)

de los Estados Unidos de América, (of the United States of America,)

y a la República (and to the Republic)

que representa,  (for which it stands,)

una Nación, bajo Dios, (one Nation, under God)

indivisible, (indivisible)

con libertad y justicia (with liberty and justice)

para todos. (for all.)