If you are noticing the Slingerlands garden has gone from drab to FAB, you probably know that it didn’t happen by magic. After three years, volunteers have brought the garden back to life and have expanded it. With grant money from the Bethlehem Garden Club and the help of Slingerlands families, it is back and is twice as big!
The restoration began with a community service project for the afterschool program GOTR (Girls On The Run). The group cleaned out the weeds and took down the fence on a hot day in early June. The Garden Club then stepped in and with the help of Slingerlands families, Mr. Baker, Mr. Gallo, and Slingerlands Garden Club leaders (Mrs. MacMillan & Mr. Rankin) to get the gardens ready for planting.
Thank you to everyone who has pitched in to help with the return of our gardens. We will post updated garden photos as the growing season moves into summer and fall!