Bus schedules available in Aspen

Bus schedules, routes and stops for the 2023-24 school year are now available in Aspen. To locate this information, please follow the directions below. 

Families with students who attend private/parochial or other schools outside of the district will be notified separately with instructions on how to view their child’s bus schedule.

Step 1

Log into Aspen

photo of hands on computer

Step 2

Click the “Family” Tab

screenshot of Aspen

Step 3

Locate your student and click their Login ID

Step 4

The student’s Monday bus schedule will show below their name. If the student’s travel schedule is the same every day, this information is the same Monday through Friday. If your child’s travel schedule varies by day of the week, follow 

Step 5

Click “Transportation” and then click “Details”

Step 6

Your student’s full-week bus schedule will appear here.

screenshot of aspen parent portal